Display 1641 - 1680 hits of 7428.
R-Hmisc | 3.9_2-2 | i586 | Harrell Miscellaneous | Mandrake Other |
R-hom.Hs.inp.db | 2.6.1-1 | noarch | Homology information for Homo Sapiens from Inparanoid | Mandrake Other |
R-HSAUR | 1.3_0-1 | i586 | A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R | Mandrake Other |
R-hu6800.db | 2.6.3-1 | noarch | Affymetrix HuGeneFL Genome Array annotation data (chip hu680 | Mandrake Other |
R-human.db0 | 2.6.4-1 | noarch | Base Level Annotation databases for human | Mandrake Other |
R-humanStemCell | 0.2.5-1 | noarch | Human Stem Cells time course experiment | Mandrake Other |
R-hwriter | 1.3-1 | i586 | HTML Writer - Outputs R objects in HTML format | Mandrake Other |
R-igraph | 0.5.5_4-1 | i586 | Network analysis and visualization | Mandrake Other |
R-ineq | 0.2_10-1 | noarch | Measuring Inequality, Concentration, and Poverty | Mandrake Other |
R-inline | 0.3.8-2 | noarch | Inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R | Mandrake Other |
R-iplots | 1.1_4-1 | noarch | iPlots - interactive graphics for R | Mandrake Other |
R-ipred | 0.8_11-1 | i586 | Improved Predictors | Mandrake Other |
R-IRanges | 1.12.6-1 | i586 | Infrastructure for manipulating intervals on sequences | Mandrake Other |
R-isa2 | 0.3.1-1 | i586 | The Iterative Signature Algorithm | Mandrake Other |
R-ISwR | 2.0_5-1 | noarch | Introductory Statistics with R | Mandrake Other |
R-iterators | 1.0.5-2 | i586 | Iterator construct for R | Mandrake Other |
R-itertools | 0.1_1-1 | noarch | Iterator Tools | Mandrake Other |
R-its | 1.1.8-1 | noarch | Irregular Time Series | Mandrake Other |
R-KEGG.db | 2.6.1-1 | noarch | A set of annotation maps for KEGG | Mandrake Other |
R-kernlab | 0.9_14-1 | i586 | Kernel-based Machine Learning Lab | Mandrake Other |
R-kinship2 | 1.3.3-1 | i586 | Pedigree functions | Mandrake Other |
R-labdsv | 1.4_1-1 | i586 | Ordination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology | Mandrake Other |
R-latentnet | 2.4_1-3 | i586 | Latent position and cluster models for statistical networks | Mandrake Other |
R-latticeExtra | 0.6_19-2 | noarch | Extra graphical utilities based on lattice | Mandrake Other |
R-latticist | 0.9_44-1 | i586 | A graphical user interface for exploratory visualisation | Mandrake Other |
R-lavaan | 0.4_12-2 | noarch | Latent Variable Analysis | Mandrake Other |
R-leaps | 2.9-1 | i586 | regression subset selection | Mandrake Other |
R-leeBamViews | 0.99.13-1 | i586 | leeBamViews -- multiple yeast RNAseq samples excerpted from | Mandrake Other |
R-limma | 3.10.2-2 | i586 | Linear Models for Microarray Data | Mandrake Other |
R-lme4 | 0.999375_42-2 | i586 | Linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes | Mandrake Other |
R-lmtest | 0.9_29-2 | i586 | Testing Linear Regression Models | Mandrake Other |
R-locfit | 1.5_6-2 | i586 | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation | Mandrake Other |
R-logspline | 2.1.3-1 | i586 | Logspline density estimation routines | Mandrake Other |
R-lpSolve | 5.6.6-1 | i586 | Interface to Lp_solve v. 5.5 to solve linear/integer program | Mandrake Other |
R-mapproj | 1.1_8.3-1 | i586 | Map Projections | Mandrake Other |
R-maps | 2.2_5-2 | i586 | Draw Geographical Maps | Mandrake Other |
R-maptools | 0.8_14-1 | i586 | Tools for reading and handling spatial objects | Mandrake Other |
R-marray | 1.32.0-1 | i586 | Exploratory analysis for two-color spotted microarray data | Mandrake Other |
R-matrixcalc | 1.0_1-1 | noarch | Collection of functions for matrix differential calculus | Mandrake Other |
R-MatrixModels | 0.3_1-1 | noarch | Modelling with Sparse And Dense Matrices | Mandrake Other |